Sunday, July 27, 2014

Day 71

I'm baaaaack!
My week in Zanzibar was incredible! We didn't have dreamy weather, but the resort was beautiful and the beach was picture perfect. Despite the lack of sunshine, we still spent the majority of each day laying on the beach. It was an all-inclusive resort, which meant we ate a lot of food. We didn't take full advantage of all that Zanzibar has to offer, but we went wanting to relax and that's exactly what we did.
Possibly my favorite part of the entire trip was playing soccer on the beach. I don't think any of the local Maasai took me seriously until I called them out for not passing me the ball. As soon as I scored, that all changed.

The beautiful sunrise we woke up way too early for.
Two days in a row the tide was way, way out. For the locals, this meant tending to their seaweed farms. For us, it meant an opportunity to explore!
Sea urchins were everywhere!
I only have 16 days left in Tanzania.
How is that possible?



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