Friday, Feast Day.
We all spent the majority of our afternoon in the kitchen cooking for tonight's dinner. There is a family who lives behind us that many volunteers stay with when they opt for a home stay instead of living at the volunteer compound. Tonight was the first time I had met them, but they have an amazing relationship with The Small Things.

This evenings menu included sweet potato casserole, vegetable stir fry, curry, rice, spaghetti, and garlic bread. For dessert we had chocolate banana cake and rice pudding (my personal contribution). We have a lot leftover despite almost everyone going back for seconds.
Happy birthday to my pretty little (but taller) sister!
Thank you for being so kind and loving all of the time. You truly have a heart of gold, and I am so lucky I get to call you my sister and best friend. Your smile is contagious and so is your spirit. I can't wait to laugh with you until we cry when I get home in August. I am so proud of all you have accomplished this year and am so excited for the bright future that's ahead of you. Bring on dental hygiene school!
Also, please pray for my little brother who is having his appendix removed today. Nothing has made me miss home more.
I love you so much Trev!
I love you so much Trev!
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