Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 9

Another "power cut" and I'm in need of a shower. 

(It's kind of a funny story though, our "power cut" today was because we haven't purchased power units. Very similiar to cell phone minutes, the volunteer compound ran out and needed to buy more. It only took the entire day to realize that!)

This morning Ali and I gave a presentation to a group of community health workers regarding the project we are working on this summer, No More Orphans. We lucked out because their monthly meeting just happened to be scheduled for today. We had to use a translator but overall we felt they were really receptive to the project. I'm very hopeful this project will be a success! 

The meeting was in the hospital chapel. We had to ask the head doctor, Dr. Bakari, where the chapel was and his response was something like this: "You don't know where the chapel is? You have been here how many days? You are bad Christians!" 
He did laugh after saying this so maybe he was joking, or maybe I should consider attending church next Sunday. 

We also had Swahili lessons again today! Sometimes it's overwhelming, but it's also a lot like learning Spanish. I need to buy a notebook so I can start keeping all of my notes in one place. 
Despite all of the goodness this past week, I've either got a bad cold or a sinus infection so I've been trying to rest and get well! My kindle won't charge and has no battery left, so today I borrowed a book from Ali, and then proceeded to read the whole thing. It says on the cover that it's also a movie so maybe you've seen it? It's called The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. It was really good but had a horrible ending.

Also, a very happy Memorial Day to everyone back home and a special thank you to all of those who have served and are currently serving our country! 


P.S. Sorry my pictures the past two days have been so lame. I'm trying to include at least one each day though. Tomorrow will be better!


  1. I'm sorry to hear you are still not feeling well. Yes, rest and drinking lots of water is the best medicine. Dad, Trevor and Courtney had a great day fishing. Lots of Ling Cod and Sea Bass. Hopefully we can Skype soon. Take Care. Love you lots,

  2. Amanda Saturday was an amazing day. Trevor was the ump for Bradley's 2nd game in a baseball tournament. So precious to see Bradley as catcher and Trevor behind him. You dad came and watched part of the game too. What special memories for me, Bradley, Laney & Kristy. Kristy posted pics on facebook. Trev & your dad said ! y did Skype with you that morning before the game. Awesome. We love you bunches. I am saying a prayer every night for your health. Love you UK & Ant Debbie
